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Power Flushing Dublin

Is your central heating underperforming?

We are your one-stop-shop for all of your heating system cleaning needs. 

We provide a full range of heating system cleaning services from your basic cleanse, to your magnetic cleanse, to your more heavy duty power flush combined with the magnetic cleanse – making your heating system more efficient and effective.

  • High Quality Work
  • Reliable Aftercare Service
  • Competitive Quotes
  • Quick Response Times
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    Power Flushing Dublin - CBS Heating and Plumbing

    We pride ourselves on the highest standards of work and on providing the best possible service to our customers.

    There are many benefits to having a your central heating system cleaned.

    Have you been experiencing cold spots in your radiators or continuously having to bleed them? Maybe your heating system is slow to warm up, or your boiler is making some concerning noises? If so, then it may be a good idea to get your central heating system cleaned.

    When you have a clogged up heating system, not only does it cost more because your boiler has to work extra hard, but the build up of metal oxides in the sludge in the system also damages your boiler over time. This shortens the lifespan of your boiler and your radiators.

    Power flushing cleanses your central heating system, ensuring that it’s operating more efficiently and maximising the lifespan of your system.

    Book A Callout

      Power Flushing Dublin » What To Expect

      Competitive quotes, quick turnaround times and the highest standards of workmanship.

      Site Call Out

      We will call out to your home to assess which type of cleaning would be best-suited to your needs, as well as assessing other possible causes for your heating issues.

      Competitive Quote

      Based on your needs, we will then provide you with a competitive quote and an estimate on how quickly we can complete the work for you.

      Draining Your System

      If your system requires power flushing, we will drain your boiler, pipes and radiators of all water.

      Power Flushing

      We then attach the power flushing machine, add a cleaning chemical and flush your system to remove debris and sludge. Depending on your system, a magnetic flushing  may be performed instead. We will then add a corrosion inhibitor to help prevent any future corrosion to your heating system.

      Aftercare Service

      Our business is built on strong customer relationships so you can rest assured that when our work is complete, we are available to resolve any issues that may arise.

      Get in touch today and arrange a call out and a quote for your heating system cleanse.

      Request A Callback

        Radiator Replacements Dublin - CBS Heating and Plumbing
        Dublin Plumbing and Heating Services - CBS Heating and Plumbing

        Why choose CBS Heating and Plumbing?

        Competitive quotes, quick turnaround times and the highest standards of workmanship.

        The highest standards of workmanship

        With years of experience as qualified heating and plumbing professionals, we pride ourselves on our quality of workmanship. We take the care and attention needed to do it right, the first time, every time.

        Excellent aftercare services

        Our business is built on trust and customer relationships. If you have any issues after our work is completed, we are just a phone call away and deliver the aftercare services that others can only promise.

        Honesty and reliability

        We’ll be there when we say we will. And, our goal, always, is to provide you with the service, parts and spares that will best suit your needs and a guarantee that will give you peace of mind for years to come.

        Competitive quotes

        We provide competitive quotes and the quality of our workmanship will help you to prevent any surprise charges caused by sub-prime work that you might face in future.

        If you need an honest, reliable and skilled heating engineer that you can genuinely trust, give us a call and we’ll give you a quote.

        Comprehensive heating services that you can rely on!

        Browse some of our other central heating services.

        Central Heating Installation - CBS Heating and Plumbing

        Central Heating Installation

        Heating System Breakdown Recovery - CBS Heating and Plumbing

        Heating System Breakdown Recovery

        Central Heating Leak Repairs - CBS Heating and Plumbing

        Central Heating And Leak Repairs

        New Radiators - CBS Heating and Plumbing

        Central Heating Servicing

        Central Heating Servicing - CBS Heating and Plumbing

        New Radiators

        Power Flushing - CBS Heating and Plumbing

        Power Flushing Services

        Boiler Installation - CBS Heating and Plumbing

        Boiler Installation & Repairs

        Boiler Servicing

        Leak Repairs

        If you need professional heating services provided by an honest, reliable and skilled team that you can genuinely trust, give us a call and we’ll give you a quote.

        Get A Quote

          Customer Reviews For Power Flushing Dublin

          Kind words from our customers

          Frequently Asked Questions

          What is Power Flushing?

          Power flushing is a way of cleaning dirt and sludge from your heating system.

          It involves flushing a cleaning agent and water through your heating system at high velocity to clean the system.

          When any dirt and sludge is removed from your heating system, you will find that it is more efficient, provides more reliable heat, and the risk of the debris damaging your system in the long term is greatly reduced.

          How do I know if I need a power flush?

          If you schedule a callout with one of our team, we can advise you on whether your system requires a power flush or not. You might also be experiencing some of the following, which can indicate your system would benefit from a power flush:

          • Cold spots on radiators
          • Having to regularly bleed radiators
          • System is slow to heat up
          • Boiler making irregular noises
          • Heating bills are strangely high
          • Irregular noises coming from your pipes

          If you are experiencing any of these issues, it's a good idea to schedule a specialist to come out and assess your heating system.

          How long does it take to Power Flush a heating system?

          A power flush will usually take a half a day to a day. We will always try to minimise the impact that our services have on your home life while we work.

          Can you supply to my area?

          We currently provide power flushing services to Dublin and its surrounding areas.

          Our Services

          Plumbing Services Dublin Blurb - CBS Heating and Plumbing

          Plumbing Services Dublin:

          • One-stop shop for all plumbing needs
          • No job too big or small
          • Reliable Aftercare
          • Quick Response Times
          • Competitive Quotes
          Bathroom Services Dublin Blurb - CBS Heating and Plumbing

          Bathroom Services Dublin:

          • Bathroom refurbishments
          • Bathroom installations
          • Bathroom repairs
          • Excellent aftercare
          • Responsive customer service

          Need to book a power flushing for your heating system?